
Third Eye Network (TEN) is an innovative multicultural management strategy consortium serving a diverse multisector clientele. TEN exists to advance social transformation and redress economic disparities within communities across the nation.


Inspiring the emergence of “culturally congruent communities” is the ultimate objective of our work, which characterizes the extent to which stakeholders perceive and would say, “they get me, and they care about my interests” in reference to our clients.


“Collaboration” is about co-creating what success looks like and the path to get there with our people, our clients, and their critical stakeholders.

“Creativity” is about exploring imaginative and thought-provoking possibilities for advancing social transformation.

“Community” is the soul of our network and the secret sauce in the production of our work, fostering sustained success.


As a multicultural agency, “we ABIDE by anti-racist principles” and celebrate the power of diversity among our staff, network, clients, and the communities in which they operate.

ABIDE = Access, Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity

Adopted from our network partner The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, our guiding principles include:

  • Analyzing power
  • Developing leadership
  • Reshaping gatekeeping
  • Identifying and analyzing manifestations of racism
  • Learning from history
  • Maintaining accountability
  • Networking
  • Sharing culture
  • Undoing internalized racial oppression
  • Understanding and undoing racism


At its core, our work is about social transformation across organizations, systems, and the communities in which they live and operate. This is because to assist our clients with the advancement of their strategic priorities, while balancing the various interests of their community’s most vulnerable stakeholders, guiding sustainable changes in human behavior is paramount. Through the years, we have come to appreciate:

Social transformation…

  • is energy work
  • is about living in possibility
  • is about learning and development
  • requires relationship building
  • inspires continuous improvement


  • In the Beginning

    Third Eye Photography established as a local commercial photography partnership.

  • Laying the Foundation

    Third Eye Network formed as a New York limited liability company with expanded local operations in graphic design, marketing, and management consulting solutions.

  • A Moment of Pause

    Operations discontinued as the founder assumed full-time professional roles in higher education and public administration focused on community-based workforce, business, and economic development.

  • Back Together Again

    Operations resumed as a general contractor with a national focus on social transformation across sectors.

  • It Takes a Network

    Third Eye Network became an employer firm, established corporate offices the High Falls Business District in Downtown Rochester, and formalized network partnerships.